Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

Drew's school Easter Party
Playing at Ms. Nancy's house
Playing "golf" before egg hunt at Mawmaw's

And...we're off!

Hunt over...holding prized possessions!

Best Easter pic we could get

Drew loved his wind-up bunny

Wind-up chick from Sunny

Like our Easter baskets???

We attempted 3 Easter Egg hunts, had two huge Easter meals and a ton of candy to show for it. Guess I can throw out the Valentine candy now.

We had a wonderful Easter weekend and the boys even wore their Easter clothes without a fight. Although, I didn't get them to wear a belt. But hey....pick your battles right? They were super cute anyway!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Waiting to se Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D
New baby colt at the In-laws

Little "Hootie" (I didn't name him)

Trying to smile with it freezing outside
We had a great weekend! Played around all Saturday until it was time to go see the much awaited arrival of "Monsters vs. Aliens!" It was in 3D and the boys loved it. At one point, I saw Drew reaching out to touch a meteorite coming at us. The movie was pretty cute and Hudson can't wait until it comes out on DVD, he said!
We also got to see a 1 day old colt. It was so precious. I think I was more amazed than the boys were! The In-laws named it "Hootie." Not sure where that came from, but kinda cute. We finished the night off with Green Chili Burrows(my fav) at the in-laws and a game of Apples to Apples. That's a fun game, if you haven't played. We always play stupid cards that make everyone laugh, so it gets interesting!
Hudson has a T-ball game tonight and Sunny wanted Drew to go home with her, since it's "cold" outside. Yeah, I don't have to chase a 3 yr old around the ballpark for a night! Now, let's Hudson actually goes after the ball tonight! Go Diamondbacks!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

First T-Ball Game

first round of batting...shirts weren't here yet

Drew...during the game

Game over

Good Job Diamondbacks! Hud is #12

Hudson has been practicing baseball for several weeks now and finally had his first game. He was most excited about getting his uniform! So cute! He's a pretty good hitter but definitely does NOT like the outfield. He just stands there and only goes after a ball if it comes directly to him. He has informed Brian and I that he does not like baseball. His Daddy is crushed! Hopefully, as the season goes on, he'll change his mind.