Sorry for such little posting lately. As the title reads...I have so little time these days. I'm trying to divide my attention between 3 precious little boys, an amazing husband, a career, friends and my church (oh, and our home)! That's a lot...when you want to give 100% to everything! Whew!! I don't see how my mom did it all those years. And, she continued to work full-time after we were born.
I posted pics from a few of the highlights of the last month.
The biggest was Hudson getting his tonsils out. The Dr. thought he needed them out last year but I just couldn't do it yet. After having at least 3-4 strep throats this winter, we decided to go ahead and do it. The Dr assured me that he was the best age to do. The first day was pretty bad. He would wake up ever so often and cry and get a drink and go back to sleep...broke his mama's heart. After the first day, it was much better than I expected. Let's just say he handled it waaaay better than I did when I got mine out 4 yrs ago!!! He's almost 100% again but goes back for his checkup this week. Then he should be able to play his last few soccer games of the season.
We went on a few outings earlier in the month. We went to "Pioneer Days" in Pittsburg. Not much to it...just a horse and buggy ride and a few booths from local crafty folks. The boys love going just about anywhere that's outside. B and I took them to Pine Cove Camps on Sunday afternoon for "Family Day." Brian worked there for 4 summers during college and the boys having been wanting to go for a while. They had just about all their activies open and the boys had a blast. If you are looking for an amazingly fun Christian camp for the kiddos...check into it!
Oh, and the biggest news is.....Lincoln is Crawling and Pulling up on EVERYTHING!! He has been doing this for several weeks now. He is definitely my earliest to pull up...crazy!! We've still been battling his chronic double ear infections but they are clear for now. Let's hope it stays that way...he's been sooooo happy and babbling like crazy.
Lincoln Stats:
*weighs 21 lbs
*wears size 12 months(same size as his brothers at this age)
*eating #2s and doesn't like any finger foods but those Gerber puffs
*loves the bottle and WILL NOT drink out of sippy cup
*loves the bottle and WILL NOT drink out of sippy cup
*waking up 1-2 times a night but hopefully not now that he's well
*has the sweetest diposition and is a pure JOY to his family
Hope everyone is doing well! Even though I don't post often, I try to read yours when I can. Carpe Diem!!!