So the birthday festivities began at the beginning of December, with Hudson's Bday on the 2nd. I can't believe I have a SEVEN year old! That sounds so old! Wait, that makes me old too! He started his Bday off with a trip to the donut shop then I brought cupcakes to his class at school. We had a family December Bday party with Brian's family that night to celebrate Hud, Drew and their Cuz Hailey's bday.
The boys have been talking about wanting to tour a factory (weird, I know) so my mom arranged a tour of the power plant for Hudson's and a tour of the local chocolate factory for Drew. Of course, we all got to join in too. Very unique Bday surprises "Sunny", good job. They both had a blast at the tours.
Instead of a BIG bday party with friends, they each invited ONE friend and we went to Longview to Chuck E Cheese, bowling and ice cream. I'm not quite sure it's Cheaper but easier on this Mama! Hudson got his first pocket knife from us and Drew got a huge IronMan car/control center thing for his bday. Of course, I took cupcakes to Drew's class Friday since he's out this week. Their cousin Bretley is watching them this week, so they were super excited about that.
It's hard to anticipate Christmas b/c of all the bday festivities but now I can calm down and try to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and help teach our kids the same. I hope you all have a peaceful and joyful Christmas with your families. We are truely blessed.