Drew 6 months Hudson 6 months Lincoln 6 months
What we've been up too....
Playing with toys...
Eating baby food...
Taking longer naps...
Playing with Daddy...
Visiting grandparents...SUNNY!!!
Got two new fish....Johnny & Bo
Went to the zoo
Even Lincoln came!!
So I haven't posted in almost a month! More sickness it our house....Lincoln got a double ear infection again, RSV and two new teeth all in ONE week!!!!!!! It has not been pretty at our house. He was waking up every two hours, screaming! I can't take seeing my baby in pain. He's much better now and slept great last night. Let's hope it's the start of a new sleeping pattern!
Big boys are in soccer. They have their first game on Saturday. They are both doing pretty good. Hudson is definitely liking it better than T-ball or Flag Football, so that's good. They got new fish during spring break. Fine with me...not much to take care of and better than a new puppy!
Brian and I are going to a local Winery for my b-day with some friends, tomorrow night! Mom wants to try and keep Lincoln overnight again! We'll see how that goes! I can't wait for Spring and NO MORE SICKNESS!!!