My sweet, almost 1 yr old
What's this?
NOT touching ALL
Excited brothers
Excited brothers
L.O.V.E.S. his new car from us!!
And his brothers LOVE pushing him
just wanted to sit and play
he wanted to be IN his chair the whole time
Lovin' it!
The big kids had fun too
Especially the pinata
AND racing down the hill
Even dads joined in the fun
As you can tell, we had Lincoln's 1st Birthday party Sunday. His actual Bday is tomorrow (Wed). I decided to have it at Dellwood Park so all the big kids could have fun too. The BIGGEST hit of the party was sliding down the hill in cardboard boxes...thanks to my mom's idea. They had blast. I know you other MP people will remember doing that when we were young. Of course back then, they had that HUGE, long metal slide. Good times.
Lincoln had fun too. He basically walked around and watched the big kids play. He loved to swing too. He would not even touch his cake. I tried to give him a small piece and he kept shaking his head "no!" Silly boy...doesn't know what's good! He wouldn't really open gifts but if I handed the toy to him, he'd grab it and start playing. All he wanted to do was sit in his booster chair and play with his new toys. Too cute. He absolutely LOVED the little Police Coup Car. It has a removable floor so he can push himself when he's bigger. For now, he just hangs on to that steering wheel and shakes back and forth for me to push him. I'll have to get a video.
This is a bitter sweet birthday b/c I know he will only grow more quickly now. We have enjoyed him so much this year and it pains me to think of him in school, etc. The exciting part is to know this next year I will begin to know his personality and hear him speak more. Can't wait to hear those precious words...I love you, Mommy! It's been a blessed year with him in our family and I'm so thankful God allowed us to be a Family of Five!!