Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthdays, birthdays

Happy Birthday boys
At the boys' joint B-day party

Decorating Drew's B-day cupcakes

Party at the in-laws

Little elf in Kindergarten the hat!

still LOVE lil brother and constantly smother the poor thing

This post have been several weeks in making. I started posting pics and never got to finish it. So....I really don't have time for a lengthy post now. Here's the bullet point version:
- Celebrated Hudson's 6th B-day on the 2nd by taking cupcakes to his class
- Hudson got to pick his B-day dinner and chose CiCi's (got $ to play happy)
- Both boys got their B-day presents that day...bikes!!
-Had a joint kid party at same place as last year...the boys'decision
-Celebrated Drew's B-day on 20th by going to CiCi's AGAIN!

Whew....that's a whirlwind month!! And I tried to fit in some Christmas present buying in between all of that. Oh...and I forgot to mention...taking care of a BABY!! Luckily, Lincoln is a wonderful baby so that is the easy part of my life!

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