Thursday, December 31, 2009

3 months old

3 month stats:
weight: 17 lbs. 8 oz
size: 3-6 months (barely)
sleep: 45min-1 hr naps 4-5 times a day, 9-10 hrs at night waking up once to eat
food: nurses most of the time with an occasional 2-3 oz formula afterwards
- smiles at whoever is talking to him
- looks to whoever walks up to him
- coos constantly
- loves his bouncer seat the best
Lincoln has an ear infection but is taking it like a champ and still sleeping very well. We're going to dinner and to see Sherlock Holmes tonight w/o kids! Yay for Sunny watching the boys!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Blessed Christmas

2 out of 4 of my favorite boys
Loving our new bear

1st remote control car...loved it

Santa brought this to Drew but "someone" liked it too

Sporting my new scarf knitted by my Mom

Look at that face...

Lincoln's fav great-grandma...Mer
Another crazy Christmas has come and gone. This one was a little more special considering we had a new addition to the family. I love that I am old enough to appreciate the blessing of a new life and a little sad that I didn't savor every moment of the other boys' infanthood (if that's a term). I was "too busy" and "stressed out" to enjoy them while they were little. I look at Lincoln all the time and praise God for giving him to us. I now love every minute of being with Lincoln...happy or crying, smiling or fussing...he is a true joy and growing every second of the day. new mom's who are always stressed and uptight...chill, go with the flow and enjoy the precious gift you have been given!
Now...on to Christmas...we did the in-laws for Christmas Eve, my parents late Christmas morning and my grandmother's Christmas evening. I was a little worried how Linc would do with all the jumping around but he was a trooper. Thankfully, my family all have cribs so L was right at home. He took naps at every location and did fantastic! The big boys had a ball this year. They were old enough to actually ask for things for Christmas so we had to explain that they would NOT be getting everything they asked for. Favorite gifts were: Hexabugs, Batman Cave, DJ keyboard thingy, and of course their HUGE nerf guns! Mommy's favorite gift was a necklace that had all the boys' names on it!
Mom is watching all the boys Thursday night so we can go to dinner and a movie. I think she's trying to make up for the fact that she, my dad and brother and S-I-L are all going to the National Championship without me...AGAIN!!! If you'll recall...the last time the Longhorns went to the Nat'l Championship Drew was 2 weeks course I couldn't go then either!
Hope you all have a wonderful New Years!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Birthdays, birthdays

Happy Birthday boys
At the boys' joint B-day party

Decorating Drew's B-day cupcakes

Party at the in-laws

Little elf in Kindergarten the hat!

still LOVE lil brother and constantly smother the poor thing

This post have been several weeks in making. I started posting pics and never got to finish it. So....I really don't have time for a lengthy post now. Here's the bullet point version:
- Celebrated Hudson's 6th B-day on the 2nd by taking cupcakes to his class
- Hudson got to pick his B-day dinner and chose CiCi's (got $ to play happy)
- Both boys got their B-day presents that day...bikes!!
-Had a joint kid party at same place as last year...the boys'decision
-Celebrated Drew's B-day on 20th by going to CiCi's AGAIN!

Whew....that's a whirlwind month!! And I tried to fit in some Christmas present buying in between all of that. Oh...and I forgot to mention...taking care of a BABY!! Luckily, Lincoln is a wonderful baby so that is the easy part of my life!

Monday, November 30, 2009

2 months old already!

I can't believe little "booger", as I call him, is already 2 months old. His personality is beginning to come out a little. He's super sweet, of course. So far, he's real layed back and just sits in my lap or in his bouncer and coos. He started smiling a week ago and just lights up our whole family. It's weird, but I feel like our family is finally complete. I guess you just know...I literally thank the Lord everyday for finally giving us a third child. It funny how, this time around, I don't mind getting up to feed him or having to miss out on things to stay home with him. I think I took the other boys for granted when they were little and now I realize what a miracle it is to have a new life given to me. Praise God!!
Upsdate: After going to the doctor's his 2 month stats: weight, 13 lbs 6 oz (90th percentile), 23 3/4 inches (50th percentile)!! No surprise...I'm used to big ole' boys!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fall fun

The boys favorite spot at Sunny& Papa's
Coaxed Brian into carving a Jack o lantern

Finally old enough to like our swing

My sweet "Booger"
We had a great weekend. Spent most of Saturday at my parents watching the game(longhorns of course) and letting the boys play outside. They love the sandbox, even when it's full of leaves.
The boys begged Brian to carve a pumpkin. Of course, once Brian gave in and started carving, the boys were already in the other room watching TV...figures!! You can tell Brian's excitement by the picture above...LOL!
Lincoln is doing wonderful! Things get easier everyday. He's starting to be more content when he's awake and loves his bouncer and swing. He looks around and just coos and coos...the most precious sound ever. The newness of having a baby in the house has not worn off with the boys. They still beg to hold him and kiss him non-stop. The poor child never gets a moments peace. I guess I should be thankful that they love him and are not jealous. Now that things have settled down with the baby, I've tried to purposefully spend quality time with the boys. We are making a point of turning the TV off and playing games and toys as a family while Lincoln is asleep. It's so hard dividing my attention b/w three kids and a husband but I'm working at it. Brian is a HUGE help and I couldn't do any of it w/o him. Now...I've just got to figure out how in the world I'm going to do Christmas shopping this year!! Guess it's online looking this year!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Super Bowl & a Birthday Party

Hudson, during his turn on the bench Drew & Pawpaw...crazy windy

The Panthers

best part of the party...pinata

Tug of war

Hud had his last flag football game of the year...they called it the Super Bowl. He has gotten so much better thru the season. He told me he was not going to play "one more sport" so we'll see if we can get him to play basketball in a couple of months. We just want him to try everything and then decide what he likes. Right now, he'd rather just run around and be silly...which is fine.
Hudson and Drew went to a bday party Sunday. It was so cute.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nap Nanny

I was on the phone with my friend down the street, Reesie, and was telling her about Lincoln's reflux and that he wasn't taking naps longer than 30-45 mins and she told me about the Nap Nanny. Her baby is 9mos old and has outgrown it, so she brought it over. He slept an hour and a half the first time I laid him in it! Amen!! It is just an oversized wedge covered in Minky fabric. This thing is awesome. I've also been working on not having to put him to sleep before I lay him down. I just swaddle him, give him his pacifier and rock him for a couple of minutes. I lay him down while he's kinda drowsy and he's out in no time. If he wakes himself up again, I just reswaddle him and put his passy back in. If he screams bloody-murder, I'll pick him up and rock a few more minutes until he calms down and lay him back down. It's been wonderful! I'm not having to pace the floor with a screaming baby trying to put him to sleep before I lay him down. With the other boys, I waited until they were 5-6 months old before we sleep trained...I was such a pushover. With three...I have to be a little more intentional. He's sleeping 4-5 hrs at a time at that's been great. The big boys are good and still LOVE their baby brother. We're having pictures made of all the boys this weekend so I'll post them when we get them. Happy November!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

My cowboy and sort of pirate
This is the way we slide

Don't know who this is but pretty funny

Dont' know why this uploaded sideways...ugh

1 month old super long and skinny

We had a family Halloween last night...minus baby Lincoln, who stayed with Sunny & Papa. It felt good to actually do something with the big boys. I feel like they've been motherless for a month.

We started out at Herschel's and had orange ice cream with our dinner. Then we went to our church for some games and fun. Drew tried every single game and Hud played one or two. So funny, Hudson's always been that way about carnival type games. They jumped in bounce houses and went down a blow up slide a hundred times. We trick or treated in the Country Club neighborhood and called it a night at 8PM!! We went and got little brother, who had a blast at his first solo visit to the grandparents. A great night with lots of fun and good candy!! Yes, I sneak candy from the boys; they don't need ALL that sugar right?!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Busy, busy

Been a little busy taking care of Mr. Man. He slept for 5 hours straight two nights in a row. That gives me hope. He slept in two 3 hr shifts last night...yippee! I can handle that!
Drew got the Swine Flu Sunday so he's been home with us. No fever today so maybe he's over it! Lincoln is 4 weeks old today and a month old on Thursday! Time has flown by. He went to the Dr Friday and weighs 10 lbs 4 oz. We've got another biggin' on our hands! gotta go...2 kids crying!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lincoln's 1st Playdate

Carrie and Noah

Lincoln & Noah

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. You'd think being home all day, I'd have more spare time. Our new family of 5 is beginning to feel normal. Lincoln is doing great. He already weighs 9lbs 3 oz. Yes...we grow 'em big in this house! He's been nursing exclusively but is beginning to act like he needs a little more. I'll supplement with a little formula here and there as needed. He's getting up 2-3 times a night, eating and going right back to sleep. The boys are still loving on him and wanting to hold him 24/7. He's super sweet and I could stare at those big eyes all day.

Lincoln had his first playdate today with my friend from high school who happens to live in the neighborhood. Her baby, Noah, was born 4 days before Lincoln. They were so cute together. Of course, Lincoln cried half the time and Noah slept the whole time. Typical Dyke baby!!

As a side note, I went to the Dr last week and have lost 25 lbs since having the baby. Sounds good but I still have 20 to go! Oh well, it's a good start! Happy Fall Everyone!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Bath

Before bath...
during bath...

after bath...squeeky clean
This is my sweetie boy...after his first bath! He fussed a little but that's to be expected.
He is doing great. Eating around the clock and NOT sleeping around the clock!! BUT....that's to be expected too! We are just taking it day by day and trying to enjoy the newborn stage. He goes to doctor tomorrow for check-up and 2nd shot and then we are off to my grandmother's for a little outing!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Surprise...Lincoln's HERE

Lincoln Patrick...8 lbs 7 oz...22 1/2 in

First time seeing their little brother

Super proud big brother...can you tell?

New Big Brother

We got a little surprise Monday night...Lincoln was ready to come! I finally went to the hospital Monday night around 11PM and he was born at 1:43AM! I know, crazy! I was induced with the other boys so I didn't know exactly when to go to the hospital. I didn't time it so well. By the time we got to the hospital, got checked in and got my epidural, I was an 8! I would not recommend waiting that long!!

The boys are so excited he's here; especially Hudson. It was priceless watching them see Lincoln for the first time. We are home and the boys are spending one more night with Sunny & Papa. We are so blessed to live close to our parents.

I am now looking forward to taking care of little Lincoln and getting in to some sort of routine with the family again. Thank you for sharing in on this journey over the last 9mos and for your prayers and encouragement. I know Lincoln is a miracle and that God knew all along that he would be in our family. I am so amazed by God's love for me and by the blessings He he has given me.