Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Surprise...Lincoln's HERE

Lincoln Patrick...8 lbs 7 oz...22 1/2 in

First time seeing their little brother

Super proud big brother...can you tell?

New Big Brother

We got a little surprise Monday night...Lincoln was ready to come! I finally went to the hospital Monday night around 11PM and he was born at 1:43AM! I know, crazy! I was induced with the other boys so I didn't know exactly when to go to the hospital. I didn't time it so well. By the time we got to the hospital, got checked in and got my epidural, I was an 8! I would not recommend waiting that long!!

The boys are so excited he's here; especially Hudson. It was priceless watching them see Lincoln for the first time. We are home and the boys are spending one more night with Sunny & Papa. We are so blessed to live close to our parents.

I am now looking forward to taking care of little Lincoln and getting in to some sort of routine with the family again. Thank you for sharing in on this journey over the last 9mos and for your prayers and encouragement. I know Lincoln is a miracle and that God knew all along that he would be in our family. I am so amazed by God's love for me and by the blessings He he has given me.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday's THE day

My mom hooked this pillow...adorable

Mom painted this...yes, she's crafty unlike me

Love this!!

Went to the doctor this morning. Everything looks good. We are inducing Friday morning at 6AM. Maybe, just maybe I'll go into labor before then! I think I'll go for a brisk walk tonight...and tomorrow...and every day until he comes!! My face is swollen and my hands and feet are swollen...hince...NO pictures of myself!!

I'll let you know if anything changes b/w now and Friday. If not, expect a post sometime Friday or Saturday with pics of Lincoln.

Here are the final pics of the nursery. Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

At least another week to go!!

Hudson Randale...Dec 2, 2003
Hudson and Drew 12-25-05

Drew Harrison...Dec 20, 2005

I went to the Dr this morning and he said I'm b/w a 1 & 2 dilated. Hey...that's something! He said there's a 50% chance I'll have the baby by next my next appt (Monday)! So...knowing my previous history with the boys....I'm sure I"ll make it at least another week. He DID say we might induce next that is music to my ears!!

In trying to prepare myself for having a newborn in the house again, I've been going thru old pics of the boys when they were newborns. I can remember the first time I saw each of them and what I thought. With reaction was..."Oh my gosh, he's huge" and with Drew it was "Oh my gosh, look at all that hair!" I can't wait to see what this one looks like. Hudson weighed 9lbs 2 oz and Drew weighed 8 lbs 6oz. The Dr. thinks Lincoln will be somewhere in b/w the two. We'll see. I'll keep you updated!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Homecoming & Civic Duty

Hudson at the football game with one of his fav people, Cuz Bretley
Drew's entertainment, catching bugs in the stadium

Barely made it to halftime...sleepy boy

Picking up trash in neighborhood

My environmentally conscience boys

Pickingup trash was my 5 yr old's idea! Crazy, right? He's asked before but I've always been able to get out of doing it. We finally gave in. Afterall...I got to ride behind them in the truck so I thoroughly enjoyed it!!! What are they teaching kids in school these days????? I'm quite impressed!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

MPHS football & last swim of the year

What a pleasant family portrait...Ugh, boys!
Future Tiger!

Drew and friend Lainy and "Sunny's" house

our fav thing to do this summer...slide

Trying to coax Drew into jumping...not working!

Ending the day watching Scooby Doo with "Great Scott" (my uncle)
We had a fairly relaxed weekend. We went to the MPHS football game and took the boys. They loved hearing the band during the game and their favorite part is watching the football players run through the giant blow-up Tiger Head. Of course, we left after the halftime show...Mama's tired!
I worked in the baby's closet Saturday morning. Started washing his gazillion items to be washed....burp cloths, blankets, sheets, bibs, clothes!! You would think there would not be much to do for a THIRD BOY but that's definitely not true. That afternoon, we met some friends at my parents to swim and play. They were in Austin at the UT game (sorry dogs) but they don't mind us coming while they are gone.
We went back to my parents Monday another dip in the pool and to enjoy some steaks! Great weekend! I went to the Dr. yesterday and he said I may go into labor on my own and not have to be induced...yippee! So...hopefully, we'll have a baby during the last week of Sept. I go to the Dr. every Tuesday so I'll keep you update!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Weekend with Uncle Lake & Aunt Sharon

A pic of my Kindergartener
My "Punkin"
Lake & Mom at my house(came to see new deck)
"Aunt Sharon" and the boys..they love her
Like his "homemade" slide?
Love "Uncle Lake" too
Not happy they are going home :(