Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm married to a PILOT!

Brian's favorite, chocolate pie
The temporary pilot's license
My first ride with the new pilot

Our family pilots and future pilots

Mawmaw and Hudson (w/mouth full of chocolate pie)

After 6 long months of lessons and few scary hubby is a PILOT! YEAH! Yesterday, Brian went to Durant, OK to take his check ride with a man from the FAA and he passed! We had a celebration dinner at Mer's house and Paula came too. All the men in our family are pilots and they have been after Brian since we got married to get his license. He has always said "no." Eventually, they quit asking and he decided to do it. A little hard-headed, you think? Anyway, I am so proud of him. He has more determination than anyone I know. This year alone, he's gotten his Insurance license, his Series 7 (to sell investments) and a pilots' license AND is the best husband and dad ever! Congratulations,'re unbelievable! Now...let's go on a trip!!

1 comment:

Joy said...

Congrats! How fun is that! I love the new design on your blog. Did you do it or did you get someone else to do it?