Friday, March 13, 2009

Western Day & Party Time

Cowboy Drew
Looks like an official Cowboy hat, huh?

Honoree in front, 2nd from left!

Look at Mr. Stud playing guitar in the background

Kids dancing to Rockband music

Last night, we had a going away party for our friends that are moving to Longview. Oh, how I long to be them and be in the same town as Jason's Deli, McAlister's, & Chick-Fil-A! Brian and I had everything planned out...He'd come home a little early and get the grill going, change some lightbulbs(LOL), and get everything ready before our guest's arrived. NOPE...not at our house. Nothing ever goes as planned. I took Brian's keys home with me so he couldn't get home. I had soooo much to do to get ready so he asked a co-worker to bring him home. By the time we he got home, there were already 8 people there. Oh well, we had a good time anyway! We grilled hamburger and hotdogs and the kids came too. Of course, the men can't just hang out and visit, so they pulled out Rockband. We had a great time and wish the Bradshaw's all the best in "The City!"
Yesterday was also "Western Day" at Drew's preschool b/c they are learning the letter "W." The most I could get him to wear was cowboy boots. I only got the hat on for a picture. You might recognize the hat from Halloween. Hope you guys have a great weekend and maybe we'll get a few hours of NO rain!!


The Bass Family said...

Hey girl... I was new at all the blogging when I did your page... I can so do that for you.. .just email me your password once again, and I will fix that by Monday! mbwbears at yahoo dot com

Graham said...

I love that game! Cute pics!